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Meta Implications of the September/October Community Day Vote Assuming that Porygon wins the CD vote for either September or October, are we… Pokemon GO. Seeing that Kyurem is leaving raids on the 28th, what do you guys predict/want the next legendary 5 star raids to be? Raid Boss Rotation History. How? September/October Community Day Moves and Voting Period Revealed Gamepress Team Video: An Accessable Team for the Ultra League Premier… Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2018. The two big conclusions to be drawn from this are:Powering up to the highest breakpoint achieves nearly 100% of a Pokemon's maximum DPSDeclining to power up beyond the highest breakpoint saves up to 10,000 stardust / power upPokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2018. As for when a glitch occurs, I assume it would use your raid pass if the battle starts and you get kicked out of the gym. Mega Evolution Details Discovered in Pokemon Go's Data The group shows up, defeats the boss, catches it, and moves quickly to the next one. Main account have 6x higher probability to get a really good one.Those with really good accounts would be very hard to get up to level with, since they always get the best stuff from raids.Some lower level players would stop playing since they never get something good.Maybe instead increase the extremely small benefit today for doing most damage, maybe grant highest damage 2 rc and next highest 1 rc?Everything that offers clear benefits, without being severely abuseble, are good candidates!Right now a multiaccounter with a private group of 6 has 6 chances to get “a really good one” albeit randomly.

Either way, it is highly rewarding and a thrill to just beat the clock.This guide is intended to help players of all levels and in all locales from rural to urban, though the reality is some of the tougher bosses require very strong players with high level teams. Private group, 6 accounts, at least 2 does none or very little damage. It's solo-able with teams of Fire-, Flying-, Ice-, & Psychic-type counters. The problem is a lot of people who are casual enough to not care aren’t going to suddenly break their backs to gear up because - you guessed it - they don’t care. Rotation Date; Unova Week: 2020-08-15 : Enigma Week: 2020-08-08 : Go Fest 2020: 2020-07-25 : Kyurem Raids : 2020-07-23 : Grass Event 2020: ... Gamepress Team Video: Ultra League Premier Cup Simplified 2020-08-13. Which would benefit larger groups… Get rid of the bonus system all together?Whatever the solution is not everybody is going to be happy… But it’s pretty clear to me this is going to be a jump the shark summer for Niantic … I just hope they see the writing on the wall…Why should a more experienced player want to deal the majority of damage spend roughly the same amount potions and revives and receive less benefits by having the casuals do just enough damage to deny them the extra damage balls? I did a raid today and it does state the pass won’t be used until the actual battle starts so I think this change is in effect. Would Niantic really consider this however, since having multiple accounts is already against terms of service?Let me elaborate: You don’t see the inevitable “You’re only so good because you don’t have a life” mentality cropping up? Just had an idea to make 5* raids a little better, please tell me what you think… Rank all the Trainers based on Damage Done to the raid boss. Constantly losing get frustrating pretty quick…Yes, that’s exactly why the experienced players should welcome new players into the game, help them along, and try to insure that they succeed and have fun.

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