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A perfect video to review before an end-of-unit test. That's why a meaningful number of voters are looking down the road and worrying about civil war. The American Battlefield Trust has videos about more specific topics like 9 episodes (each episode is between 1 and 1 ½ hours long). PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The country that fosters racism and violence or the country that has no need of that? But within the states that each candidate won, there were still sizable numbers of people who voted for the loser.

The Civil War was the bloodiest conflict in American history, turning brother against brother and devastating large regions of the country. The Civil War was fought in 10,000 places. Some drive hours every Sunday to such Masses, blowing right past Church of Nice parishes — parishes that cram social-justice, pro-gay, illegal-immigration, fake-climate-change messaging down people's throats.They've had it. And the final count is so close that many are wondering how the Marxist ideology is advancing across the country so fast (as if they had won some kind of massive majority).

30 sets of eyes immediately dart to you. You've just tried to add this show to A nine-part series that explores the most important conflict in our nation's history. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser thatAn increasing number of Americans believe the likelihood of a civil war is growing. The Civil War: A Film By Ken Burns Season 1. How many have been censored or de-platformed by "tech giants" for their views? Learn about Civil War battles, generals, political leaders and more. But this is what the Founders did in 1776 (and even said so in the first words of the Declaration of Independence): When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.For clarity, this is not an official position of Church Militant, but that these sorts of things are even coming up in discussions suggests that we have reached a whole new precipice in America. The American Battlefield Trust video collection includes hundreds of videos covering a wide range of topics. Balkanization it's called, referring to the Balkans (countries of southeastern Europe) being split up. If the details of all this prove too insurmountable, then on to some other approach, the thinking goes. 2% of the general population died in the war and it changed forever the lives of all who lived through it. In Red America, there would be no more loopholes for wicked bishops to hide their dastardly deeds. In Blue America, since it would be completely run by anti-God Marxists, they wouldn't last long, as every civilization which rejects God and natural law is doomed.Bishops' property would be confiscated, and they would be imprisoned — or at least the handful who would not have converted to the communist side, which some have already done, as we know.

Production made possible by grants from General Motors Corporation, National Endowment for the Humanities, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Make the break, and then sit back and see which side prospers. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. But as long as the federal government institutions — especially the courts — retain their current stranglehold, exactly how much freedom will such political migrants have once they land in their new red state?The answer: Not much, because the Marxist Left continues to use the federal courts and the media to defeat They are deserting Church of Nice parishes, more and more reverting to homeschooling and swelling the pews of parishes and oratories with reverent (mostly Latin) Masses. Get briefed on today's top stories with Christine Niles.Catholic University Dismisses ‘Demonic Radio’ Report By creating an account, you acknowledge that PBS may share your information with our member stations and our respective service providers, and that you have read and understand the But the current situation is reaching the point of no longer being sustainable.

And how would the Church fare in these two new nations? The nation that forbids Marxist propaganda from filling its airwaves or the nation that feasts on it? Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: We can remove the first video in the list to add this one. Liberals and Marxists would be arrested and imprisoned, just as conservatives would be in "Blue Nation" (as we already see with some pro-lifers).

Copyright © 2020 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), all rights reserved.

If something like this were to happen, what North America would look like moving forward would be America 2.0 (just buttoned up and more the wiser) and the Soviet Union 2.0.The Church would thrive in one and be destroyed in the other.

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